Parent Support Services
Our Parenting Programmes are focused on providing opportunities for parents to
build positive parenting strategies, self-esteem and resilience, that will help parents
deal with family stress and offer options to cope with difficulties.

Feedback from participants
“Practicing how to catch my child being good has been transforming for us at home”
“I can’t believe that I only had to apologise for my part in it for him to make such an improvement in his attitude”
Parent and Toddler Group
Parent and Toddler Group
A Parent and Toddler Group is an informal group within the local community, which provides an opportunity for young children and their parents/carers to meet.
Parent/toddler groups can be a great way of meeting other people with children the same age as yours in your area.
While these were traditionally aimed at mothers/fathers, they are now aimed at childminders, grandparents and other guardians.
Parent Advocacy Group
Support parents to advocate on behalf of their child/children who have a disability.
As a parent of a child with learning disabilities it is ultimately your responsibility to assure your child is receiving the appropriate services. First it is important to educate yourself on learning disabilities and in particular your child’s learning disability. Second, collaborate with your child’s teachers and school forming a good working partnership. Third, understand your rights under the law, which will be a key to your success.
LDA can also not only provide resources but also an opportunity to learn from others, and a chance to make friends with others who have children with learning disabilities. There is strength in numbers and it can facilitate change when change is needed. By joining an organization like LDA that advocates for individuals with learning disabilities you can make a difference.