Tenancy Sustainment
The objective of the Tenancy Sustainment Project is that through early intervention/prevention, advice and practical help, service users that are supported on a medium to long-term basis can maintain stable accommodation and develop skills to sustain independent tenancy and avoid homelessness.

Some of the initiatives run under the tenancy sustainment project include:
The housing assistance payment (HAP) is a form of social housing support for people who have a long-term housing need. HAP will eventually replace long term Rent Supplement. It has been introduced under the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2014 and a series of Statutory Instruments.
Choice Based Letting (CBL) is a computerized system operated by local authority allowing people to express an interest in renting a suitable property in their preferred area.
The Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) was established as an independent statutory body under the residential tenancies act to operate a national tenancy registration system resolve disputes between landlords and tenants.
Where there is a dispute between a landlord and tenant, the dispute can be referred to the RTB for resolution, involving mediation or adjudication and tenancy tribunal hearings.